The summer so far has been mild with a hot day here and there, so we have been enjoying going to the park and playing out back. This week we found a new story time to go to. Malaina loves listening and Maren loves to visit all the babies and any girls wearing pink and accessories (trying to pull off their necklaces), walk, crawl and climb on everything in the room. No sitting for me :) Maren has also been teething like crazy this last week! She is working on 4 teeth on the top. Poor baby, has been miserable :(
I have been getting out and making friends, and finding new things to explore. (see FB)
The girls just love living with Grandpa and Grandma. We are so fortunate to have such a supportive and loving family to help us get through this. They have been so kind and thoughtful and have really done a lot to make us feel at home. Thank you Mom & Dad!! We love you!